They aren’t all available last minute but lots of cool and out-of-the-box ideas here that may inspire you, from heart shaped headphone spitters and chargers to lego roses and iphone cases.
“Nobody makes the right decisions every time. Here are the ones I’d like to redo.” Learn from Groove’s mistakes and focus on tech infrastructure, establish core values, start content marketing sooner, and bring on key advisors (or not, as makes sense for your own business)!
Feeling lazy or uninspired? Get your customers to do the work! It will definitely be original and can be far more powerful than your own ideas, with the added benefit of more credibility than when it’s coming directly from you. A how-to guide with great examples of referral programs, content creation and incentivizing here.
It’s official! You don’t have to wait for an email yourself before getting the latest contact info … providing you have contacts in common using Evercontact. How does it work? And how do we make sure your new cellphone number doesn’t go out to everyone? Find out here in our interview with our founder Philippe.
Oops there goes my job! Just kidding, obviously content marketing isn’t over but it is definitely in development, with an increased focus on social media and even hiring social “stars” to endorse them on Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, YouTube, etc. Find out more in this provocative article by PR expert Peter Himler.
“Google is marking Safer Internet Day … by introducing new authentication features to Gmail to help better identify emails that could prove to be harmful or are not fully secure.” So you can think twice before clicking or responding with private details. Find out how it works here.