We have wonderful clients all over the world, but I must say it’s not often that we bump into an organization that we’re more proud to work with than Propper Daley!

Propper Daley is powerful team of change-makers that creates and implements holistic strategies to drive measurable social impact. From the public policy arena to the entertainment industry, they leverage every resource to produce outcome-driven solutions for businesses, individuals, organizations and causes. Among their clients are John Legend, Tobey Maguire, The Clinton Foundation, The Walt Disney Company, and Got Your 6!
Danny Greene, A Social Impact agent at Propper Daley (and the kind lookin’ fella on the bottom left in the photo) shared a bit of the inside story of what they do:
“Propper Daley believes that a small group of committed individuals can change the world. How exciting to be part of an organization like that! We think big, work fast, and understand that at the center of getting anything done is a relationship.
We work with celebrities and companies in the entertainment industry to use the most powerful microphone in the world to create social change. We are really proud to have launched two campaigns: Got Your 6, which helps to bridge the military-civilian divide; and Uprising of Love, which envisions a world where LGBTI people everywhere can live with safety and dignity.”
The “Contact Problem” They Were Facing
Danny Green sums up their challenge: “Relationships are at the center of all of the work that we do, and for the most part, we had been relying upon Google spreadsheets and memory to track contacts. This got very complicated as our company expanded from three to ten people employees, each of whom was working on separate projects and campaigns.
We were using Highrise as a contact management tool, but most contacts went unrecorded. No one wanted to take the time to enter contacts manually. We had about 700 contacts when I recognized the opportunity to work with Evercontact.”
How Evercontact helps
“Evercontact automatically enters contact information into Highrise using email signatures. Beyond saving us time of having to manually enter this information, this means that we now have an aggregated, company-wide database of contacts.
We also used Evercontact flashbacks for the two principles of the company in order to further increase the size of our database. In total, over 6 months, Evercontact has updated over 3000 contacts for Propper Daley!”
And how does that translate into real value for Propper Daley?
A client since February of 2014, Propper Daley has already hit the 3K mark on updated contacts, saving their organization over 240 hours in just a few months. This of course lowers their overhead – at an annual rate of 400+ hours that’s a saving of $8000)– but most importantly, it’s rescued their team from boring office admin that is now done automatically and 100% in the background!
We’d like to thank Propper Daley for doing what they do as it inspires us and we’re super happy to play a small part in the awesome work you all do!