Evercontact top priority is to protect the privacy and the security of our users.
Our vulnerability disclosure program is intended to facilitate the discovery and quick removal of any security flaw inside our tool.
In order to qualify the vulnerability must exist in the latest Evercontact public release and must be a security vulnerability. We will be grateful if you can report any bug encountered when using Evercontact by contacting our support team : support@evercontact.com
Guidelines :
– Do not permanently alterate, modify or erase any Evercontact’s hosted data,
– Do not access, or try to access, more data than needed to identify the security flaw,
– Do not disrupt or alterate the service for our users,
– Do not DDoS or degrade any Evercontact service
Please allow Evercontact 10 days to fix the issue before discussing about it publicly, in forums, blog or any other channel.
If you any question with this program please send an email to our security team : security@evercontact.com