It’s that time of year… 🙂
(image via wikipedia commons courtesy of Jürgen Howaldt)
We want to treat our wonderful new clients, and folks that have been on board for awhile, so EVERY day through 30th of January, we’ll be giving away a free year of Premium and Free Flashback (learn more about these services here and here).
How do you win?
For new clients, when you sign up you are automatically register, and if you’re already a user, login at Evercontact and then click on the “Get in the lottery HERE” as you see below.
INCREASE your chances of winning
After signing up for the lottery, you can spread the word, and with every social share, you double your chances of winning, so maximize those chances and GOOD luck!
Have a great holiday!!!
and if you’re celebrating X-mas, we hope your tree
is a bit better-looking than ours 😉